Pilonidal Sinuses

Pilonidal sinus is a condition found in the midline posteriorly, between the buttocks, in the cleft overlying the tailbone. There are one or more midline pinpoint openings, which may or may not be infected and which communicate under the skin...

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Lipomas are collections of fat cells which appear as soft lumps anywhere in the body. They may be multiple. They are usually painless but if there is any associated nervous tissue in the lipomas then they may be painful. At times, they may attain...

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Cysts are the collection of fluid or a semi-solid substance inside an encompassing wall. They can be located on any part of the body. Commonly seen are epidermal cysts, also known as sebaceous cysts which are derived from the hair follicle. The...

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Lymph node Swellings

Lymph nodes are the policemen of our body. They are present all over but are not usually enlarged in size. Only in cases where the body requires protection, they show their presence. They then appear as enlarged entities which are seen at certain...

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A hernia is the abnormal protrusion of part of the contents of the abdominal cavity through a weakness in the abdominal wall. Commonly, they present as lumps which pop out especially on coughing, laughing, straining or lifting heavy weights. The...

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Lactation Mastitis

This is a bacterial infection, usually caused by organisms known as Staphylococcus aureus. They are harbored in the nasopharynx of babies and during breastfeeding, they find their way through the cracks in the nipples into the tissues. The ducts...

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Nipple Discharge

This can happen from one or both breasts. It may be from a single duct opening or from multiple duct openings. The color of the discharge may be transparent or watery, bloody, blackish or greenish. It may also be purulent or like pus. The single...

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Breast Pain

This pain may be mild or severe, on one or both sides and cyclical or random. The breast is a structure which is undergoing changes throughout the reproductive life of the woman and superimposed on these changes, it is subjected to the cyclical...

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